Daysail disappearing 9 patch baby quilt

There are few quilts that are easier to take on than a disappearing nine patch.  So, over the weekend, I opened up my Daysail layer cake at last, and decided to get cracking on one.

Sometimes people say to me that they don’t like working with layer cakes because there is just too much colour in it for one project.  I understand that sentiment sometimes, but often find I get the best results when using a layer cake (or any other pre-cut for that matter) if I make a decision to only use a few of the colours in the pack, and save the rest for another project.  That way the few colours you choose to focus on get to shine, and the result is not so overwhelming.

In this case, I decided to use the reds, navys, whites and aquas in the pack, and save the cream, green and teal for another day.

Here’s the method:

1.  Cut layer cake slices into 4 x 5″ patches.  I cut 21 slices (sometimes in bulk by stacking a few of them up) to make a quilt that will be 6 blocks by 6 blocks (about 41″ square finished size).

2.  Arrange the patches into sets of 9.  I like to choose one colour that will always be the centre block in these arrangements.  You’ll see why soon.  For this project, I chose red to be the centre patch.

July 2015 033

3.  Sew these blocks together, to form a 9-patch block.  Use a 1/4″ seam and press each row in the opposite direction so that the seams nest as you join the rows of the block together

4.  After a good press, lay your 9-patch on your cutting mat.  You need to measure carefully the centre lines of the block, both vertically and horizontally.  I’ve marked approximately the lines you need to locate in yellow on the picture below.  Where to cut5.  Cut the 9-patch block into 4 smaller blocks, along the yellow lines that you have measured.  Be as accurate as is possible!

6.  You should now have 4 small patches, each with one large square, one small (in my case, red) square and two rectangles.  Trim these so that they are of identical size.  I trimmed them all to 6 3/4″ square.

7.  Lay out your patches into the arrangement for the quilt.  Here’s an example of how you can lay it out, but there is plenty of room for improvisation and experimentation here!  I try not to over-think it.  In my view, some imperfection is desirable, but each to their own.

July 2015 042

8.  As you can see, when you choose a single colour for the centre of the 9 patch block, it ends up becoming a common thread in the finished design that brings the whole quilt together.  I think it can make an otherwise messy/scrappy design look orderly enough to be pleasing to the eye.

8.  Sew together your small blocks into rows.  Press the seams in opposite directions.

9.  Join your rows together, matching the points where the blocks meet and locking the seams (by having them pressed into opposite directions).

10.  Give your masterpiece a good press, cut some backing and wadding to size, baste, quilt and bind!

Enjoy this fun, easy project.


Fabulous Fabric Friday: Salt Water

Hello!  I hope you are having a wonderful week.

This week’s Fabulous Fabric Friday is all about Tula Pink’s new range, Salt Water.

It’s so new that you can’t get it in Australia.  But when it comes, which won’t be long, you’ll be able to get it at The Quilters’ and Embrioderers’ Store in Brisbane, which has a good range of Tula Pink.


I am really drawn to all things nautical at the moment, and so I was delighted to spot this one.


It comes in three colourways, red, green and blue.  The blue is my favourite.


It is a nice masculine choice without being too heavy (which I often find is the case when you are looking for the right fabrics to make something for a man).


It’s hard to go past these cute little anchors…


And this one a lovely detail to it, that could even work nicely in a non-nautical project.


If you can’t wait until they are released in Australia, and are willing to pay for the postage, you can order them from Cotton Patch in the UK now.

Here’s the reward for getting to the end of this post – something I am very excited about.  Bonnie and Camille have released a sneak preview of their next Moda collection.  It’s called Daysail, and it looks like it’s a little nautical too!


My mind is already swimming with projects for using this lot!

Happy Friday, everyone.
