“Spell it with fabric” quilt


I know the pattern was released about a year ago for the Moda Blog Hop (you can access the pattern here) but it is only now that I am getting around to making it up.  It’s to be for my little girl’s new bedroom – she moves into a big-girl bed soon, with a new room to boot!  An educational wall quilt seemed like the perfect accessory.

March 2015 055

Here are my early observations:

1.  Making a quilt where every block is different is surprisingly enjoyable.  I really like that every single one is a different task!

2.  The hardest part seems to be deciding on colours.  Someone with more flair than me might have embraced colour in the background, but I’m not that person.  I’ll have a colourful border, I think.

3.  This is a great way to use up scraps, because each block needs surprisingly little of the coloured fabric (if you are doing a low-volume background).

4.  I’m only 7 blocks into it, but it is addictive and I can’t wait to knock over a few more!  As each one doesn’t take very long, it is a quite satisfying project.

Of course I will share pictures of it with you as it progresses.  I’m using up a lot of my Bonnie and Camille for Moda odds and ends in the process.  This is such an enjoyable sewing project.  Loving it!

Have a wonderful day!
