Snuggly baby blankets

Soooo… the weather is getting cooler here, and so I am getting the urge to work with flannelette again.  Luckily, there are lots of babies arriving too, so I have a great excuse to make some more self-binding baby blankets.

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If you want to know exactly how to make them, check out this old post of mine.

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They can be whipped up in about 1/2 hr to an hour (depending on how fast a sewer you are…), I confess that I always find that cutting the fabric is the part that takes me the longest of all.

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The hardest part now… is prising the finishing product away from my own little girl, so that I can give it away.  Of course, it’s just an excuse to make one more!  Once she felt how snuggly the material was, it was really hard to get her to let go.  I can’t blame her, I suppose.  I’m just as bad!

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Have a great day!
