A little bit of gratitude

I’m so blessed to have some lovely friends.  The person I am thinking of did something very nice for me about a week ago.

I had decided to stop blogging.  I decided that it was not my “core business” and that I had to be more ruthless in the allocation of my time.

In her wonderful, listening, gentle way, she reminded me that expressing my creative side was a really important part of who I am, and that it would be a shame to let that go.  It connected the dots for me so kindly, so that I was able to see how important making and sharing was for my happiness (and mental health!).

I’m a very lucky lady to have people like that in my life.  You know who you are.

Much love.

xx jf

One thought on “A little bit of gratitude

  1. How lucky am I to have a friend like you!

    What a beautiful post – I have enjoyed reading your blog posts all week so glad that I have inspired you to keep blogging! Otherwise what would have been a busy and dreary week without having something to look forward to in my lunch break to read. Even better I got a mention on Friday!

    Crafting is amazing and it should be shared with everyone. Anyone who disagrees obviously hasn’t yet had the delight of admiring a finished project or enjoyed a light night evening with friends sewing up a storm!

    I thought I might end this comment on your beautiful post with a Winnie the Pooh quote

    ‘A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey’

    Much love to you as well JF!

    Very blessed friend xx

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